10 Benefits of Green Tea

Green tea is a famous drink and widely used to detoxify the human body. There is a wide range of benefits of green tea.

Since ancient times Chinese have known about the medicinal properties of green tea.

It can cure headaches to depression. The interesting fact about green tea is that the chemical composition changes with the environment.

From climate, season, horticultural practices, and leaf position on the harvest shoots. Major flavonoids present in green tea are polyphenols.

This is the prominent factor of interest in green tea. There are four major flavonoids present in green tea.

These are catechins, epicatechin (EC), epigallocatechin (EGC), epicatechin gallate (ECG), and epigallocatechin (EGCG).

The most crucial active compound is epigallocatechin gallate. The leaf buds and first leaves are the wealthiest in epigallocatechin gallate.

The dried green tea leaves have 8-12% of total polyphenol concentration.

Dried green tea leaves also contain other active compounds. Like garlic acid, quercetin, kaempferol, myricetin, caffeic acid, and chlorogenic acid.

What Is Green Tea?

Green tea is developed from the plant Camellia sinensis. The leaves and buds of the plant are utilized.

These go through the minimum oxidation during the process. Green tea has two principal varieties of Camellia sinesis.

The first one is Camellia sinensis sinensis and the other is Camellia sinensis assamica. Camellia sinensis sinensis is a small-leafed native variety of China. It is typically used to make green and white tea.

It is grown in a sunny region with drier and cooler climates. Moreover, it has a high tolerance for cold and thrives in hilly areas. Camellia sinensis assamica is a larger leafed shrub.

And it was first discovered in the Assam district of India. It has been typically used for making strong black tea.

The warm and moist climate helps its leaves to grow huge. It is abundant in a subtropical forest.

How Much Green Tea Should You Drink a Day?

The optimum quantity of green tea consumed in a day is three to five cups per day. This helps in taking the most health benefits. An excessive amount of green tea should not be consumed as it may not suit.

It can become problematic for some. Drinking green tea help you maintain your health. This will help you in reducing the risk of several diseases.

How Much Caffeine Is In Green Tea?

Up to 400 milligrams of caffeine per day is safe to consume for most adults. As the quantity of caffeine varies from coffee drinks to teas. Brewed green tea has 28 milligrams of caffeine in 237 ml of drink.

However, some people are sensitive to caffeine. People who are bothered by headaches, restlessness, or anxiety should evaluate the caffeine content in their drink.

Can I Drink Green Tea On An Empty Stomach?

You should not have green tea on an empty stomach. As it can adversely affect the stomach balance.

Green tea has a high quantity of antioxidants, tannins, and flavonoids which are plant-based compounds.

Having excess green tea can result in toxicity. This may lead to liver damage. Drinking green tea at the beginning of the day may kick start your day. But this does of caffeine in green tea can affect the stomach balance.

Green tea should not be consumed immediately after meals. This restricts the absorption process of nutrients from food. So this also means that the eaten food may not provide enough nutrients.

Caffeine and tannins present in green tea act as an obstruction. As a result, there is indigestion by diluting gastric juices.

Green tea should not be sipped late at night as it can disturb your sleeping pattern. And can increase stress levels. Leaves of green tea are preferred instead of green tea bags.

Consequently, green tea bags have a high quantity of caffeine. Also, wet tea bags are prone to microbial infestation. Green tea bags should not be used more than twice.

Furthermore, green tea is a diuretic resulting in frequent urination. So more water should be consumed to stay hydrated.

How To Drink Green Tea? 

Green tea should be consumed from 10:00 to 11:00 am in morning. Have green tea after 35-45 minutes of the meal.

It can also be drunk up early at night. Green tea can also be consumed between two meals.

Like drinking it two hours before or after having a meal. This will maximize nutrient intake and iron absorption from food. Drink before exercise as it has fat-burning properties because of caffeine.

It also boosts energy and helps in exercise. Having green tea before 2 hours going to bed can be beneficial.

This time the metabolism rate is low and green tea can increase it. Drinking green tea at night can disturb your sleep. It interrupts sleeping patterns.

People with anemia should not drink green tea along with food. This decreases the nutrient absorption from food. For weight loss green tea should be consumed 90 minutes before work-out.

Research shows that EGCG combined with caffeine can considerably increase fat oxidation rate.

10 Evidence-Based Benefits of Green Tea

Here they are –

1. Contains Healthy Bioactive Compounds

Green tea contains a catechin called epigallocatechin-3-gallate(EGCG). They are natural antioxidants. These assists to prevent cell damage. On the other hand, it provides several other benefits.

In the research, it is demonstrated that extracts of green tea are extremely beneficial. It owns anti-inflammatory action due to the existence of polyphenolic constituents.

In fact, due to the rage of current studies, green tea is a synonym with diet.  Catechin prevents the construction of free radicals in the body.

And they also help in protecting cells and molecules from damage. The biological activity of catechins has relevant potential in the protection against diseases.

The synergistic effect of the green tea constituents has therapeutic potential.

Green tea is also considered a rejuvenate. For several ailments, it works as a therapeutic adjuvant. Green tea is a lightly processed tea and is not fermented.

The secondary metabolites in plants are polyphenols. They are generally involved in security from ultraviolet radiation or aggression by pathogens.

Some epidemiological investigations showed that green tea exhibits cardiovascular protective effects.

The prepared infusions of the bioactive mixtures were investigated. The powdered green tea has the most quantity of caffeine.

The antioxidant capacity of tea can bedetermined by DPPH, ABTS, and FRAP. Green tea is one of the best dietary sources of antioxidants.

2. May Improve Brain Function

Green tea is prominent as a neutraceutical because it is an excellent antioxidant. Along with antioxidant properties, green tea also comprises autophagy properties.

Autophagy is an internal process that helps in lysosomal degradation. This eradicates old and undesirable cellular molecules including proteins and ribosomes.

This way the cellular homeostasis and survival under metabolic stress are maintained.

Likewise, the overall health of the host comprising diabetic cardiomyopathy and cancer is maintained.

Autophagy is activated by the formation of BECLIN-1 through P13 kinase in mammalian cells. Other compounds like bioactive polyphenols and isoflavones can also activate autophagy.

Antioxidants are valuable in healthy brain aging. This would reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases.

Behavioral enrichment can be attained by cognitive wealth. The oxidative damage when repaired can be helpful for brain activity. Alzheimer’s disease has progressed to death.

The rich natural antioxidants have been constructive for delaying the aging process. The study of green tea has shown an insight into future health progression.

The nerve cells remained protective by several green tea properties. The local apoptosis is lead by damaged cells of free radicals.

The removal of free radicals nerve cell effectively protects most of the nervous system.

3. Increases Fat Burning

A little amount of caffeine is found in green tea. It combines with EGCG present in green tea and encourages thermogenesis in the body.

This increases the total energy expenditure of the body by 4% in 24 hours. As a result, there is a loss of 10 pounds of weight in a month.

This proves that the metabolic rate of the body increases. Natural green tea comprises thermogenetic properties.

So there is a  quicker rate of metabolism of sugar and fats. Hormone insulin turns additional body glucose into fats. Sipping green tea has become a trend in weight loss.

The effect on fitness has been prompting to consumers. Usually, synthetic antioxidants are utilized in the food industry.

However, natural antioxidants are being preferred. The structure of the antioxidant properties has been evaluated for greater employment.

4. Antioxidants May Lower The Risk of Some Cancers

The anti-carcinogenic properties of green tea have been of great use. As it is consumed in countries like Japan, the cancer rate is less in humans.

The tumor growth is suppressed by the use of ECGC. The release of tumor necrosis factor-alpha is hindered.

This factor is believed to facilitate tumor growth and the advancement of initiated cells. As well as stops the extension of premalignant cells.

Furthermore, it lessens the specific binding of tumor-promoting agents. Namely two agents – 12 Otetradecanoylphorbol – 1 – 3 acetate (TPA) type and the okadaic acid-type.

Interaction with the phospholipid bilayer of the cell membrane gives a ‘sealing’ effect of EGCG.

Humans get safeguarded from a variety of cancers like lung, prostate, and breast. It is due to the existence of EGCG.

5. May Protect The Brain From Aging

Antioxidants are a compound that is present in green tea. These antioxidants protect cells as averse to damaging effects.

The reactive oxygen species such as singlet oxygen, superoxide, peroxyl radicals, and peroxynitrite has destructive effects.

Cellular devastation occurs due to an imbalance between antioxidants and reactive oxygen species. To protect against these diseases catechins are hypothesized.

The antioxidant (vitamin A and C) and enzymes (superoxide dismutase and catalase) contribute to the total antioxidant defense system. The threat of neurological disorders has been influenced by green tea.

Cognitive shortages have been curtailed by its favorable effect. In modulating stress of antiaging antioxidants are considered to be the best.

Dementia and cognitive decline can be overturned by rewinding the aging process. This can be done by curing inflammation.

6. May Reduce Bad Breath

India is rich in plants with great medicinal importance. Green tea can be used as a mouth freshener. It reduces bad breath and provides freshness.

As well as maintains oral hygiene due to the presence of antibacterial and antioxidant properties. As result, periodontal diseases gets prevented.

Initiation of gingivitis happens due to dental plague. The crucial etiological agent for gingival disease is dental plaque.

If left untreated, it may lead to compromise with the entire periodontium. Catechins mainly flavonoids are an abundant component in green tea.

In eliminating dental plaque and gingival inflammation mouthwash are equally effective. The market-based mouthwash comprises costly and synthetic quality.

On the other hand, it has considerable side effects. This prohibits its usage. Green tea helps to purify and clear bacteria from your mouth.

It enables you to get rid of toxins from your body. This gives a refreshing feeling throughout the day. Green tea extracts assist the foundation of good oral health.

7. May Help Prevent Type 2 Diabetes

In investigations, it is shown that green tea can reduce the danger of diabetes. Blood sugar levels can be reduced to an extent with green tea. Decreased levels of fasting glucose and A1C levels can be seen.

As well as, it also reduces fasting insulin levels. The antioxidant activity of polyphenols and polysaccharides is the reason for these benefits.

These can also deal with anticancer, cholesterol-lowering, and blood pressure management.

People with type 2 diabetes have low efficiency of blood sugar absorption. Due to the condition of insulin resistance the blood sugar cannot be absorbed.

This leads to a high glucose level of blood. This is called hyperglycemia. Consequently, it heightens the threats to diabetes complications.

The complications also include heart disease, kidney failure, and brain nerve damage (neuropathy).By the use of green tea blood sugar levels can be controlled.

A plain cup of tea contains 0 calories depending on the variety of tea. The reduction in body weight results in insulin sensitivity. Likewise, the blood sugar level lowers.

The insulin residence effect lowers by catechins present in green tea. This reduces the digestion and absorption rate of carbohydrates resulting in weight loss.

Finally, green tea should be consumed along with a balanced diet for treating diabetes.

8. May Help Prevent Cardiovascular Disease

The risk of cardiovascular disease can be lowered by consuming green tea. According to observational studies, it is found that green tea is effective for heart health.

People who drank green tea more had 28% fewer chances of coronary heart disease.Dangerous protein plaques found in blood vessels break up and dissolve potentially.

Some studies reveal that the flavonoids present in green tea help in cardiovascular disease. Flavonoids have strong reducing effects on CVDs.

The observation shows that the intake of polyphenols reduces the risk of acute myocardial infarction.

Cardiac injury induced by ischemia is protected by epicatechin. Oxidative stress in many diseases like cardiovascular disease is closely related.

9. May Help You Lose Weight

Gaining weight leads to increased chances of ailment in the body. Overweight and obesity are shortly rising. It is recognized as a medical problem in developed countries.

It is also considered a threat to the larger population. Obesity is a major factor in causing disease.

It includes coronary heart disease like hypertension non-insulin-dependent diabetes, pulmonary dysfunction, and certain types of cancer.

Green tea shows surprising effects on losing weight. People with a high chance of getting obese can take green tea at least twice a day.

The key ingredients of green tea are especially EGCG appears to have anti-diabetic and anti-obesity effects. Increased attention has been received by diabetes and obesity due to green tea usage.

Green tea enhances energy expenditure and fat oxidation. This natural herb results in inducing weight loss.

10. May Help You Live Longer

Researchers have found in a study that green tea can help in live longer. The adults who drank three cups of green tea in one week had a long life.

The life expectancy rate increases with the consumption of green tea. Green tea has potential health effects. The risk of cardiovascular disease also diminishes.

In the analysis, it was found that regular intake of tea 20% risk of diseases. It is expected that people can live 1.26 years longer than those who don’t consume tea.

The antioxidant effect of polyphenols in green tea is responsible for its efficiency.


In numerous aspects, tea is consuming throughout the world. Several pieces of research have supported the usefulness of green tea.

Generally, it is recommended commended for day-to-day consumption. Green tea has antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. It illustrates the potential benefits of green tea.

Due to its properties, it is recommended for cardiovascular disease, oral cavity, and Parkinson’s Disease. Green tea has a broad spectrum of practice in several diseases.

Like diabetes, inflammatory bowel syndrome, and skin disorders. Surprisingly it is beneficial in reducing the brain aging process.

As it serves as a neuroprotective agent. In conventional and alternative medical communities green tea has its value in treatment.

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