Hip Dips Causes and Exercises

Hip dips are the curves, beneath the hips and above the thighs, directed inwardly and apparently a topic to be considered under body positivity.

In this case, instead of outward curves, there are inward curves. They may be barely noticeable or pronounced but it is fairly normal if they are present. These are also known as violin hips.

What Causes Hip Dips?

Hip dips are determined by the pelvis structure. They are merely a representation of our anatomical structure of the body and fat distribution areas.

Hip dips occur when the skin is adhered to trochanter, the deeper part of the thigh bone. Depending on the shape of the pelvis and fat and muscle distribution, it varies in its prominence.

Although, in skeletal form, each one us has an indentation at the point of attachment.Wearing different types of clothes can also make it less or more prominent.

Exercises That Minimize Hip Dips

Certain exercises can be done to promote the growth of muscle and reduce fat percentage.

You must practice the form of the exercise and ask someone who is equipped with the knowledge to avoid any injury or lack of development.

You can do both unilateral and bilateral exercises but focus more on unilateral ones.

You can do the suggested exercises a few times a week and schedule it properly into working and rest days.

The rest of 1 to 3 minutes between consecutive sets is also important.Stretching is nessacary to reduce the cramps, especially, when you initially start training your body. .

Consistency is also very important to maintain progress.Different exercises work different muscles. Here you will focus on the glutes and its muscles. You can also work your thighs and hamstrings.

A tight and stable core is a must while you do these exercises to maintain a proper form. Reps should be controlled and slow.

Following exercises can be done to achieve the goal:

1. Side Hip Openers

This exercise targets glutes, hips and core. After practicing form, weights can be added for further development and strength improvement.

 – This requires bending down on hands and knees (quadruped position) with hands under shoulders and hips under knees (legs bent at 90 degrees).

– Keep your core straight and spine neutral. Now, raise your leg on the right side up to the level of the hip and bring it down slowly. Do not touch the knee to the ground.

– Repeat 10-12 times for each leg.

2. Standing Kickback Lunges

– This exercise helps in building up quads and glutes. It is required as well as improves the balance of the body.

The core should be kept tight and proper focus is required on the leg movement to avoid falling.

– Stand with your hands placed in prayer position.

– Elevate your right leg in a bent position up to your chest. Inhale during this step.

– Now, as you bring your right leg back into its original position, exhale and lift your arms up to your ear.

– Before you pause, dive into the lunge and maintain balance by keeping your foot stable. Toes should face forward.

– Bring your right leg back up to your chest and at the same time, form a prayer position with your hands.

– Repeat these steps 10-12 times for each leg.

– Once you are acquainted with the form, you can hold a dumbell in each hand, instead of a prayer pose, and follow the same steps for legs as described above.

– Do the same steps for the opposite leg.

3. Standing Side Leg Lifts

Standing leg lifts involve the lateral muscles of the glutes and hips. Inner thighs may also be worked up a little bit.

You must keep the body straight and stable, instead of leaning towards the direction of leg. This makes it more efficient.

Each rep should be slow and controlled. This increases the load on muscle and helps strength improvement.

– Stand facing your left side towards some support such as a wall.

– Now, use your left hand for support and maintain as much balance as possible.

– Slowly raise your right foot and leg laterally up to your hips. Inhale while doing this

– Slowly, bring down the right leg and exhale. Keep your core straight throughout the movements.

– Repeat 10-12 times for each leg.

4. Squats

– This is a great compound movement that involves groups of muscles. It targets quads, glutes, and hips. Abdominal muscles are also involved for more support.

– Squats have various forms but conventional squats involve standing with your feet slightly wider than your hips and toes facing forward.

– Now, go down slowly, as if, you are about to sit down. While doing this, remember to exhale and keep your spine neutral.

– Inhale and stand back up. This uses force from your legs.

– Repeat 10-12 times. You can add weights through dumbells or barbells in order to increase the load.

– Before adding weights, the form should be practiced to avoid knee injury.

5. Standing Side to Side Squats

– This exercise helps in the development of the sides of the legs including buttocks, hips, and inner thighs.

– Begin by standing with feet placed together.

– Lower your body into squat form. While doing this, extend your right leg to the right side.

– Now, move your left foot to meet your right foot. You can come up a little during this step.

– Now same way, extend your left leg and then right leg to meet the left one.

– Do this for 10-12 reps on each side and add weights once you are equipped with the form.

6. Side Lunges

– This is another great compound movement that involves a large group of muscles. It focuses on hips and buttocks.

– Stand with your feet under your hips.

– Extend your left foot towards the left side and press into the ground. Use the right foot to maintain the balance.

– Lower down with your buttocks and by bending the left leg. The right leg will be stretched out straight.

– Repeat this for the same leg 10-12 times or you can do it alternatively for each leg.

– Make sure that both of your feet face forwards and are pressed to the ground properly.

– You can add weight by holding a dumbell between your hands.

7. Side Curtesy Lunges

– This exercise focuses on glutes and quads.

– Start by standing with feet placed together.

– Lift your left leg and bring it back towards your right side.

– Bend it down at 90 degrees, behind your right leg with knees almost touching the ground, and bring your glutes close to the ground.

– Stand back up in the original position with the force from glutes.

– Remember to keep the toes of the front foot facing forward and keep your spine neutral.

– You can hold dumbells or use a barbell to add weights.

8. Glute Bridges

 – This a isolation exercise that focuses on glutes. You can use your abdominal muscles for extra support.

– Lie down on your back with arms lying along the side of your body and knees bent, facing upwards. The feet should be placed slightly wider than the hips.

– Slowly lift your hips and buttocks. Inhale while doing this.

– Bring them down again and exhale while doing this.

– Do it in 3 to 4 sets of 10 to 12 reps each.

– During the last rep, hold the pose for 30-45 seconds. After you lower down, bring knees together and then pull apart for a few reps.

9. Leg Kickbacks (Donkey kicks)

– This is a unilateral exercise that helps in building up and lifting glutes and hips.

– Bend down in quadrapose or cat pose with hands under shoulders and knees under hips.

– Lift your right leg and extend it out as high as possible. Inhale while doing this. Make sure to keep your back straight. You can use abdominal muscles for this.

– Lower down your leg into the original position without letting your foot to touch the ground.

–  Do this 12-15 times for each leg. During the last rep, keep your leg stretched parallel to the ground and pulse it about 15 times up and down.

–  Repeat the same for the opposite side. You can use ankle weights to increase the load.

10. Lying Down Side Leg Raises

  – This exercise is unilateral uses the muscles of the buttocks and hips in a correct form.

– Lie down on your left side and keep your body straight stretched out.

–  Use your left arm in a bent position to support your hand by keeping it on your palm. Keep your right arm in front of your stomach for proper support.

– Lift your right leg up into the air as high as possible.

– Bring it down slowly without letting it touch your right leg before your raise it again.

– Muscles of the glutes and outer thighs should be used while performing this exercise. You can use ankle weights for more development.

– Repeat this 12 to 15 times. Do the same for the opposite leg.

– On the last rep, keep the leg in the air and pulse it up and down a few times.


Hip dips are very common and a part of body structure. They are determined by genetics and you must feel positive about your body no matter the size or shape.

Make a proper schedule for workouts and set goals. Learn to be patient because change is slow and it takes time to see the result.

Mind muscle connection and focus while performing exercises is very important for increasing efficiency.

Diet must also be taken care of. Note the progress even if it is slow and stay motivated.

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