FDA Clears J&J and Moderna Booster Shots, Allows ‘Mix and Match’ Shots

The Food and Drug Administration or commonly known as the FDA had decided and declared on Wednesday night that it had been authorized on the booster shots of both Johnson & Johnson’s and Moderna’s coronavirus booster vaccines. This is the extra third dose needed to keep the immunity in place among the public and prevent the people from going on a downward spiral.

There is also the declaration of the news that the United States is regulating the vaccine, and they have allowed the mix and match of the vaccines. This means that people can get the vaccine from the booster shot from a different drug maker. This can be different from the initial doses of the vaccine that they have taken. They do not necessarily have to be from the same drug maker.

FDA Clears Johnson & Johnson And Moderna Booster Shots

“Today, with the actions, we have to demonstrate that our commitment is total to the public health and that they believe in proactively fighting against the COVID-19 pandemic,” said Dr. Janet Woodcock, who is the acting FDA Commissioner.

“As the pandemic had been here for a while and it continues to impact the country and cause several problems in the life of the people. Therefore science has come into the play, and it has shown that vaccination is the only way that continues to be the safest and most effective way that is going to help to prevent the COVID-19, this is all including all of the most serious consequences that had ultimately led to the end stages of the disease which is actually as of hospitalization and death,” she added in her statement.

Now since both the drug makers are given the right to the booster shot from a different drug maker, then this will be a good decision for the public as they can avail the services of both the company if one is unavailable at the moment. There is also the prospect of them going on with the excellent strategy of providing vaccines to more people at the same time. That’s all for now. Take care of yourself.

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