4th COVID-19 Booster Dose May Be Needed For Immunocompromised People, Says CDC

A lot of discussion does tend to go around the Covid 19 vaccine. It is indeed time that we put some perspective on the different doses that are in circulation right now. If you look closely, then you will see in the data that the first two doses of the Covid 19 vaccine are necessary to be given to everyone irrespective of their age, sex, or health. They need to be administered to every single citizen of the USA, as is the context in this.

However, after the initial two shots, there is an additional shot of vaccine known as the booster shot that is being encouraged by the CDC to be taken by people at an interval of six months after taking the second shot. This third shot or booster shot helps maintain the immunity of the people.

4th COVID-19 Booster Dose May Be Needed For Immunocompromised People, Says CDC

However, now they are talking about a fourth shot that needs to be given to the people who suffer from a serious health issue and who have practically no immune system to protect their own bodies. So CDC had stated that a new and well-developed fourth shot of vaccine needs to be given to the people who are immunocompromised.

Read Also:

  1. WHO Investigating New COVID-19 Variant Named Mu
  2. Fauci Says The New Mu Covid Strain Isn’t An Immediate Threat In The U.S.
  3. British Health Officials Refuse to Approve Shots for 12-15 Year Old Children
  4. New Study Finds Unvaccinated Are 11 Times More Likely To Die From Covid, CDC Says

“In such situations and under such conditions that we are facing, people who are known to be moderately and severely immunocompromised may not be done after 3 shots as they might have to receive a total of four COVID-19 vaccine doses,” said CDC in a statement.

There must be a lot of fine-tuning that needs to be done regarding this and let’s not forget that some portion of the population is reluctant to even get the first two doses of the vaccine. It had always been a tough situation regarding the vaccine.

That’s all for now. We do hope that people are interested in the concept of staying alive well and good and so that they take some time to understand that it is a highly important thing for the entire world to get vaccinated against the coronavirus. We will surely be keeping you updated on the news if we get any.

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